Recommendation systems are dynamic economic systems that balance the nee...
Most recommender systems (RS) research assumes that a user's utility can...
A recent body of work addresses safety constraints in explore-and-exploi...
The connection between messaging and action is fundamental both to web
People increasingly turn to the Internet when they have a medical condit...
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms shape our lives. Banks use them to dete...
Recommendation systems often face exploration-exploitation tradeoffs: th...
Prediction is a well-studied machine learning task, and prediction algor...
Truth discovery is a general name for a broad range of statistical metho...
Recommendation systems are extremely popular tools for matching users an...
Crowdsourcing platforms offer a way to label data by aggregating answers...
We consider a game-theoretic model of information retrieval with strateg...
We consider a game-theoretic model of information retrieval with strateg...
Prediction is a well-studied machine learning task, and prediction algor...
We introduce a game-theoretic approach to the study of recommendation sy...
Facility location games have been a topic of major interest in economics...