Machines that mimic humans have inspired scientists for centuries.
Robots are increasingly present in our lives, sharing the workspace and ...
The development of machine learning algorithms has been gathering releva...
We propose a novel way of solving the issue of classification of
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has demonstrated its potential in solv...
This paper proposes a novel method for human hands tracking using data f...
Application of soft and compliant joints in grasping mechanisms received...
Force and proximity sensors are key in robotics, especially when applied...
Collaborative robots are increasingly present in industry to support hum...
There is a great demand for the robotization of manufacturing processes
Human gesture recognition has assumed a capital role in industrial
The technical debt (TD) metaphor is widely used to encapsulate numerous
Human-robot collision avoidance is a key in collaborative robotics and i...
New and more natural human-robot interfaces are of crucial interest to t...