We study the query version of the approximate heavy hitter and quantile
Recently, Ezra and Sharir [ES22a] showed an O(n^3/2+σ) space and
We give a simplified and improved lower bound for the simplex range repo...
In colored range counting (CRC), the input is a set of points where each...
We consider the following surveillance problem: Given a set P of n sites...
In the problem of semialgebraic range searching, we are to preprocess a ...
In the semialgebraic range searching problem, we are to preprocess n poi...
We investigate the limits of one of the fundamental ideas in data struct...
Fractional cascading is one of the influential techniques in data struct...
We consider the problem of finding patrol schedules for k robots to visi...
We revisit the range sampling problem: the input is a set of points wher...
We report the first improvement in the space-time trade-off of lower bou...
Multiplication is one of the most fundamental computational problems, ye...
We initiate a study of algorithms with a focus on the computational
We study the query complexity of a permutation-based variant of the gues...
Modern tracking technology has made the collection of large numbers of