Filters approximately store a set of items while trading off accuracy fo...
Microbubbles - used as contrast agents in ultrasound imaging - are impor...
Modern hash table designs strive to minimize space while maximizing spee...
Despite the tremendous progress made by deep learning models in image
Contrastive Learning (CL) is a recent representation learning approach, ...
Generalization of machine learning models trained on a set of source dom...
Domain generalization (DG) deals with the problem of domain shift where ...
Segmentation of the pixels corresponding to human skin is an essential f...
Automating the classification of camera-obtained microscopic images of W...
Diagnostic and intervention methodologies for skill assessment of autism...
Given a stream S = (s_1, s_2, ..., s_N), a ϕ-heavy hitter is an item
Conditional generation refers to the process of sampling from an unknown...
Frequency estimation data structures such as the count-min sketch (CMS) ...