To address the challenges of digital intelligence in the digital economy...
With the rapid growth of the Internet, human daily life has become deepl...
Since the first appearance of the World Wide Web, people more rely on th...
Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet, the era of big dat...
Traditional education has been updated with the development of informati...
As an important data mining technology, high utility itemset mining (HUI...
High utility itemset mining approaches discover hidden patterns from lar...
For applied intelligence, utility-driven pattern discovery algorithms ca...
Analyzing sequence data usually leads to the discovery of interesting
Traditional high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) aims to determine all
Because of usefulness and comprehensibility, fuzzy data mining has been
Episode discovery from an event is a popular framework for data mining t...
Utility-driven itemset mining is widely applied in many real-world scena...