Learning an effective global model on private and decentralized datasets...
Automatically generating human-readable text describing the functionalit...
Class imbalance problems widely exist in the medical field and heavily
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown high potential for a variety of
Most existing Time series classification (TSC) models lack interpretabil...
Trojan attacks pose a severe threat to AI systems. Recent works on
Towards real-world information extraction scenario, research of relation...
Trojan attacks raise serious security concerns. In this paper, we invest...
Spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with various graph filters have
Persistent homology is a widely used theory in topological data analysis...
Inductive relation prediction is an important learning task for knowledg...
For many years, link prediction on knowledge graphs (KGs) has been a pur...
Contrastive Learning has emerged as a powerful representation learning m...
Link prediction is an important learning task for graph-structured data....
Missing node attributes is a common problem in real-world graphs. Graph
Graph convolutional networks have achieved great success on graph-struct...
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) aim to extend deep learning techniques to g...
Crowdsourcing has attracted much attention for its convenience to collec...
Code retrieval is to find the code snippet from a large corpus of source...
Evaluation of a document summarization system has been a critical factor...
While the celebrated graph neural networks yield effective representatio...
There is a growing interest in applying deep learning (DL) to healthcare...
There have been more than 850,000 confirmed cases and over 48,000 deaths...
Hierarchical abstractions are a methodology for solving large-scale grap...
Gaining more comprehensive knowledge about drug-drug interactions (DDIs)...
Node-link diagrams are widely used to facilitate network explorations.
Medication recommendation is an important healthcare application. It is
Electrocardiography (ECG) signals are commonly used to diagnose various
Benchmark data sets are an indispensable ingredient of the evaluation of...
Graph representation learning resurges as a trending research subject ow...
Distributed collaborative learning (DCL) paradigms enable building joint...
Organized crime inflicts human suffering on a genocidal scale: the Mexic...
Automated planning is one of the foundational areas of AI. Since a singl...
Textual entailment is a fundamental task in natural language processing....
Deep generative models have achieved remarkable success in various data
In many situations, we have both rich- and poor- data environments: in a...
Recent progress in deep learning is revolutionizing the healthcare domai...
Drug similarity has been studied to support downstream clinical tasks su...
The graph convolutional networks (GCN) recently proposed by Kipf and Wel...
Topic models have been successfully applied in lexicon extraction. Howev...
Crosslingual word embeddings represent lexical items from different lang...