In recent years, substantial advancements in pre-trained language models...
Existing question answering methods often assume that the input content
Lifelong language learning seeks to have models continuously learn multi...
Continual Learning methods strive to mitigate Catastrophic Forgetting (C...
In recent years there have been considerable advances in pre-trained lan...
The ability to continuously learn remains elusive for deep learning mode...
Large-scale pre-trained language models have shown remarkable results in...
Current language models are usually trained using a self-supervised sche...
The success of pretrained word embeddings has motivated their use in the...
Recently, few-shot learning has received increasing interest. Existing
The video game industry has adopted recommendation systems to boost user...
We propose a multi-head attention mechanism as a blending layer in a neu...
The success of pre-trained word embeddings has motivated its use in task...
There has been significant progress in recent years in the field of Natu...