Monocular scene reconstruction from posed images is challenging due to t...
There is an emerging trend of using neural implicit functions for map
Monocular depth estimation is an ambiguous problem, thus global structur...
3D motion estimation including scene flow and point cloud registration h...
Estimating the accurate depth from a single image is challenging since i...
There are increasing interests of studying the structure-from-motion (Sf...
Unsupervised person re-identification (re-ID) attractsincreasing attenti...
We design a multiscopic vision system that utilizes a low-cost monocular...
In this work, we address a planar non-prehensile sorting task. Here, a r...
In essence, successful grasp boils down to correct responses to multiple...
Moving a human body or a large and bulky object can require the strength...
Rearranging objects on a tabletop surface by means of nonprehensile