Factorized Databases (FDBs) and the recently introduced Path Multiset
The development of practical query languages for graph databases runs we...
Modern graph database query languages such as GQL, SQL/PGQ, and their
As graph databases become widespread, JTC1 – the committee in joint char...
Graphs are by nature unifying abstractions that can leverage
The joint EDBT/ICDT conference (International Conference on Extending
Testing containment of queries is a fundamental reasoning task in knowle...
Regular expressions with capture variables, also known as "regex formula...
The framework of document spanners abstracts the task of information
We introduce annotated document spanners, which are document spanners th...
Regular path queries (RPQs) are an essential component of graph query
Programs for extracting structured information from text, namely informa...
Evaluation of regular path queries (RPQs) is a central problem in graph
With the adoption of RDF as the data model for Linked Data and the Seman...