CAME: Context-aware Mixture-of-Experts for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation

by   Liguang Zhou, et al.

The scene graph generation has gained tremendous progress in recent years. However, its intrinsic long-tailed distribution of predicate classes is a challenging problem. Almost all existing scene graph generation (SGG) methods follow the same framework where they use a similar backbone network for object detection and a customized network for scene graph generation. These methods often design the sophisticated context-encoder to extract the inherent relevance of scene context w.r.t the intrinsic predicates and complicated networks to improve the learning capabilities of the network model for highly imbalanced data distributions. To address the unbiased SGG problem, we present a simple yet effective method called Context-Aware Mixture-of-Experts (CAME) to improve the model diversity and alleviate the biased SGG without a sophisticated design. Specifically, we propose to use the mixture of experts to remedy the heavily long-tailed distributions of predicate classes, which is suitable for most unbiased scene graph generators. With a mixture of relation experts, the long-tailed distribution of predicates is addressed in a divide and ensemble manner. As a result, the biased SGG is mitigated and the model tends to make more balanced predicates predictions. However, experts with the same weight are not sufficiently diverse to discriminate the different levels of predicates distributions. Hence, we simply use the build-in context-aware encoder, to help the network dynamically leverage the rich scene characteristics to further increase the diversity of the model. By utilizing the context information of the image, the importance of each expert w.r.t the scene context is dynamically assigned. We have conducted extensive experiments on three tasks on the Visual Genome dataset to show that came achieved superior performance over previous methods.


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