Distributionally Robust Policy Learning via Adversarial Environment Generation

by   Allen Z. Ren, et al.

Our goal is to train control policies that generalize well to unseen environments. Inspired by the Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) framework, we propose DRAGEN - Distributionally Robust policy learning via Adversarial Generation of ENvironments - for iteratively improving robustness of policies to realistic distribution shifts by generating adversarial environments. The key idea is to learn a generative model for environments whose latent variables capture cost-predictive and realistic variations in environments. We perform DRO with respect to a Wasserstein ball around the empirical distribution of environments by generating realistic adversarial environments via gradient ascent on the latent space. We demonstrate strong Out-of-Distribution (OoD) generalization in simulation for (i) swinging up a pendulum with onboard vision and (ii) grasping realistic 2D/3D objects. Grasping experiments on hardware demonstrate better sim2real performance compared to domain randomization.


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