Multirotor Planning in Dynamic Environments using Temporal Safe Corridors

by   Charbel Toumieh, et al.

In this paper, we propose a new method for multirotor planning in dynamic environments. The environment is represented as a temporal occupancy grid which gives the current as well as the future/predicted state of all the obstacles. The method builds on previous works in Safe Corridor generation and multirotor planning to avoid moving and static obstacles. It first generates a global path to the goal that doesn't take into account the dynamic aspect of the environment. We then use temporal Safe Corridors to generate safe spaces that the robot can be in at discrete instants in the future. Finally we use the temporal Safe Corridors in an optimization formulation that accounts for the multirotor dynamics as well as all the obstacles to generate the trajectory that will be executed by the multirotor's controller. We show the performance of our method in simulations.


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