Algorithm- and data-dependent generalization bounds are required to expl...
We present novel bounds for coreset construction, feature selection, and...
We study the fundamental problem of selecting optimal features for model...
Despite the ubiquitous use of stochastic optimization algorithms in mach...
To address the communication bottleneck problem in distributed optimizat...
Robustness of machine learning models to various adversarial and
Bayesian coresets have emerged as a promising approach for implementing
The Column Subset Selection Problem (CSSP) and the Nyström method are am...
Iterative hard thresholding (IHT) is a projected gradient descent algori...
We provide a novel convergence analysis of two popular sampling algorith...
Research in both machine learning and psychology suggests that salient
Approximating a probability density in a tractable manner is a central t...
We study --both in theory and practice-- the use of momentum motions in
Variational Inference is a popular technique to approximate a possibly
Greedy algorithms are widely used for problems in machine learning such ...
We provide new approximation guarantees for greedy low rank matrix estim...
Two of the most fundamental prototypes of greedy optimization are the
Approximate inference via information projection has been recently intro...
Efficiently representing real world data in a succinct and parsimonious
In a recent paper, Levy and Goldberg pointed out an interesting connecti...