Current frameworks for training offensive penetration testing agents wit...
There is a limited amount of publicly available data to support research...
Learning from raw data input, thus limiting the need for feature enginee...
In real-world applications, game-theoretic algorithms often interact wit...
Many recent results in imperfect information games were only formulated ...
In malware behavioral analysis, the list of accessed and created files v...
Learning from raw data input, thus limiting the need for manual feature
In this report, we present results reproductions for several core algori...
Solution concepts of traditional game theory assume entirely rational
We present a novel deep reinforcement learning framework for solving
Anomaly detection is a method for discovering unusual and suspicious
We focus on a class of real-world domains, where gathering hierarchical
This work focuses on a specific classification problem, where the inform...
Multiagent decision-making problems in partially observable environments...
We argue that the extensive-form game (EFG) model isn't powerful enough ...
Depth-limited look-ahead search is an essential tool for agents playing
Online game playing algorithms produce high-quality strategies with a
Hannan consistency, or no external regret, is a key concept for learning...
Extensive-form games are an important model of finite sequential interac...
We study a classification problem where each feature can be acquired for...
Artificial intelligence has seen several breakthroughs in recent years, ...