Due to the high inter-class similarity caused by the complex composition...
This paper introduces InternVid, a large-scale video-centric multimodal
Exploring the semantic context in scene images is essential for indoor s...
Despite the remarkable success of convolutional neural networks in vario...
Spatio-temporal coherency is a major challenge in synthesizing high qual...
Masked image modeling (MIM) has shown great promise for self-supervised
Recently emerging large-scale biomedical data pose exciting opportunitie...
A covert attack method often used by APT organizations is the DNS tunnel...
Traffic light recognition, as a critical component of the perception mod...
Few-sample compression aims to compress a big redundant model into a sma...
Most modern face completion approaches adopt an autoencoder or its varia...
Clustering algorithms have significantly improved along with Deep Neural...
Recent medical imaging studies have given rise to distinct but inter-rel...
Everyday contact-rich tasks, such as peeling, cleaning, and writing, dem...
Most of the state-of-the-art indirect visual SLAM methods are based on t...
In deep learning-based local stereo matching methods, larger image patch...
Millions of unsolicited medical inquiries are received by pharmaceutical...
Photo-to-caricature translation aims to synthesize the caricature as a
Most deep learning based image inpainting approaches adopt autoencoder o...
Inspection for structural properties (surface stiffness and coefficient ...
Real-world image super-resolution is a challenging image translation pro...
Convolution Neural Network (CNN) recently have been adopted in several
Visual loop closure detection, which can be considered as an image retri...
Wind energy makes a significant contribution to global power generation....
There is an increasing recognition of the role of brain networks as
The classical GM(1,1) model is an efficient tool to make accurate foreca...
Echolocating bats locate the targets by echolocation. Many theoretical
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) thrive in recent years in which Batch
At present, the energy structure of China is shifting towards cleaner an...
Processing-in-memory (PIM) turns out to be a promising solution to
Crossbar architecture based devices have been widely adopted in neural
The fractional order grey models (FGM) have appealed considerable intere...
This paper presents a brief introduction to the key points of the Grey