Few-shot action recognition, i.e. recognizing new action classes given o...
Recent large-scale image generation models such as Stable Diffusion have...
Strong image search models can be learned for a specific domain, ie. set...
Training state-of-the-art models for human pose estimation in videos req...
We consider the problem of training a deep neural network on a given
Methods that combine local and global features have recently shown excel...
Dimensionality reduction methods are unsupervised approaches which learn...
Training state-of-the-art models for human body pose and shape recovery ...
Cross-modal retrieval methods build a common representation space for sa...
Measuring concept generalization, i.e., the extent to which models train...
Contrastive learning has become a key component of self-supervised learn...
This is the proceedings of the Computer Vision for Agriculture (CV4A)
The long-tail distribution of the visual world poses great challenges fo...
When generating a sentence description for an image, it frequently remai...
In natural images, information is conveyed at different frequencies wher...
Highlight detection has the potential to significantly ease video browsi...
Motion has shown to be useful for video understanding, where motion is
Video description is one of the most challenging problems in vision and
Globally modeling and reasoning over relations between regions can be
Learning to capture long-range relations is fundamental to image/video
In this paper, we aim to reduce the computational cost of spatio-tempora...
Large scale visual understanding is challenging, as it requires a model ...
This paper proposes a new task, MemexQA: given a collection of photos or...
Automated photo tagging has established itself as one of the most compel...
The quality of user experience online is affected by the relevance and
We propose a novel hashing-based matching scheme, called Locally Optimiz...
Despite progress in perceptual tasks such as image classification, compu...
We propose a simple and straightforward way of creating powerful image