Developing an agent capable of adapting to unseen environments remains a...
Using learned reward functions (LRFs) as a means to solve sparse-reward
A promising technique for exploration is to maximize the entropy of visi...
Recently, graph-based planning algorithms have gained much attention to ...
Visual robotic manipulation research and applications often use multiple...
Video prediction is an important yet challenging problem; burdened with ...
Visual model-based reinforcement learning (RL) has the potential to enab...
Recent unsupervised pre-training methods have shown to be effective on
Preference-based reinforcement learning (RL) has shown potential for tea...
Behavioral cloning has proven to be effective for learning sequential
Goal-conditioned hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) has shown
Recent advance in deep offline reinforcement learning (RL) has made it
Recent exploration methods have proven to be a recipe for improving
Model-based reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great potential in var...
Designing efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization appears
Model-based reinforcement learning (RL) enjoys several benefits, such as...