Image composition targets at synthesizing a realistic composite image fr...
In few-shot image generation, directly training GAN models on just a han...
The performances of defect inspection have been severely hindered by
Image harmonization aims to produce visually harmonious composite images...
Marine microalgae are widespread in the ocean and play a crucial role in...
Few-shot image generation and few-shot image translation are two related...
As a common image editing operation, image composition aims to cut the
Image composition targets at inserting a foreground object on a backgrou...
Learning to generate new images for a novel category based on only a few...
In order to generate images for a given category, existing deep generati...
Multi-task Learning (MTL) for classification with disjoint datasets aims...
To generate new images for a given category, most deep generative models...
In this study, we apply reinforcement learning techniques and propose wh...