While the successes of transformers across many domains are indisputable...
Channel and spatial attention mechanism has proven to provide an evident...
A great variety of complex systems, from user interactions in communicat...
Submodular function maximization is central in numerous data science
Web and artificial intelligence technologies, especially semantic web an...
Early detection of anxiety disorders is essential to reduce the sufferin...
PointNet++ is one of the most influential neural architectures for point...
A lot of recent advances in unsupervised feature learning are based on
We scale perceived distances of the core-set algorithm by a factor of
As random walk is a powerful tool in many graph processing, mining and
Federated learning is emerging as a machine learning technique that trai...
Incorporating syntax into neural approaches in NLP has a multitude of
As large graph processing emerges, we observe a costly fork-processing
Reachability query is a fundamental problem on graphs, which has been
A great variety of complex systems ranging from user interactions in
Extracting a small subset of representative tuples from a large database...
Selecting a small set of representatives from a large database is import...
The synthetic workload is essential and critical to the performance
Text-rich heterogeneous information networks (text-rich HINs) are ubiqui...
We seek to improve the data efficiency of neural networks and present no...
Coresets are important tools to generate concise summaries of massive
Massive volumes of data continuously generated on social platforms have
Misspelled words of the malicious kind work by changing specific keyword...
We propose a new architecture and training methodology for generative
We consider a classifier whose test set is exposed to various perturbati...
In this paper we propose and study the problem of trajectory-driven