Robots capable of performing manipulation tasks in a broad range of miss...
Several methods exist for teaching robots, with one of the most prominen...
The field of robotics has seen significant advancements in recent years,...
In this paper we focus on the evaluation of contextual autonomy for robo...
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a popular method of reproducing and...
Measuring an overall autonomy score for a robotic system requires the
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) algorithms enable humans to teach new
In recent years a modern conceptualization of trust in human-robot
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a popular approach that allows huma...
The FetchIt! Mobile Manipulation Challenge, held at the IEEE Internation...
In this work, we contribute a large-scale study benchmarking the perform...
We propose a learning framework, named Multi-Coordinate Cost Balancing
A novel skill learning approach is proposed that allows a robot to acqui...